Researching phone numbers with Phunter

Researching phone numbers with Phunter

This morning I saw a post on LinkedIn that mentioned a program called Phunter for researching phone numbers. When I hear of a new tool, I always need to check it out. I downloaded it and began to test it out. This tool has several options:

The Target function seems to give just basic info, such as country, state and landline/mobile. I was able to test some phone numbers using the Amazon function and verify the numbers were associated with an Amazon account. These were numbers I knew, so I was able to confirm the results.


git clone
cd Phunter
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

To run, use this format
python3 -t +33666666666

This is just another tool I heard about and had to explore. I will add this to my toolbox. I love learning about new things and then actually running them to better understand how they work.