Support OUR Rescue

Support OUR Rescue

I have recently discovered this organization and it is amazing. The work they do domestically and internationally is great. They are passionate about the work they do and genuinely care about the lives they help impact.

They work in three areas:


They are on the ground assisting local law enforcement agencies around the world in rescuing victims of human trafficking.

Survivor Care

They work with victims to provide the personalized care that they need during their healing process.


They provide facts and resources to raise awareness of human trafficking.

Since it was founded in 2013 OUR has assisted in the arrests of 4000+ predators. They have supported 6000+ survivors and assisted in 1000+ operations. I am amazed at just how well-organized they are and how dedicated this team is to rescuing the victims of this horrible crime.

It's terrible to think that on any given day, at any given time, people around the world are being brutally abused. The magnitude of human trafficking is overwhelming, but I am glad that this organization exists to fight the evil that exists all around us.

I plan to do my part to spread the word and raise awareness. Please take a moment to check out the store for some great products and listen to the podcast.