Why OSINT feels like a great fit

As a young kid, I was always fascinated by locks. There was something about the way a lock worked that interested me. I really enjoyed, and still do enjoy learning how things work. I also developed an interest in computers at a young age. When I was in the 5th grade, our classroom got an Apple IIe and I was hooked. My teacher could see my interest and made me her assistant. I was responsible for booting up the computer for the other students and teaching them how to use it. It was also around that time that I watched the movie "War Games". Watching Matthew Broderick break into the school computer was the beginning of a lifelong passion.
I have been interested in Open Source Intelligence for a few years now, it has always interested me. I have played around with some of the tools I have discovered along the way, but never got too deep, not because I wasn't interested, I just didn't know how to get started.
I recently watched this video from David Bombal which included two great OSINT investigators, Micah Hoffman and Griffin Glynn. In this video, they shared some great resources, as well as a roadmap to begin learning more about OSINT. Micah and Griffin offer some great training at their company MOT. They also have some great free courses.
As I listened to them talk about OSINT, one thing mentioned was how watching videos and investigating photos can mentally impact you, specifically as it pertains to graphic content, such as war videos and those involving exploited children. I am familiar with this type of impact, having worked as a Law Enforcement Officer for over a decade.
With all that said, I feel that OSINT investigation is a great fit for me, here are some reasons why:
- I am naturally curious and enjoy problem-solving
- I have a strong technical aptitude
- I enjoy mechanical and logical thinking
- I enjoy problem solving
- I have experience with investigating
- I have experience being trusted with confidential information
I am looking forward to learning more about OSINT using the training content provided by Micah and Griffin.