Why you need a blog right now

Why you need a blog right now

If you are interested in starting a career in IT, or more specifically, Cybersecurity, there are some important steps you should take. One of those steps is creating a blog, website, or somewhere to show what you are learning. If you have never created a blog, I can help.

Here are a few reasons why a blog is important:

  • Serves as a sort of dynamic resume of your experience
  • Shows how effective you are at problem solving
  • Helps people to see how curious you are and how you learn best
  • Shows how good you are at technical documentation
  • Helps others learn from your process
  • Serves as a reference for you to look back on when you need to remember the process you took, as well as the code snippets you used.

Here are a few affordable resources for you to explore:

  • Medium- A place to read, write, and deepen your understanding (FREE)
  • Ghost - Independent technology for modern publishing. ($9/mo)
  • Substack - Blogging platform (FREE)

I use Ghost and really like it. The hosted cost is $9/mo but you can also self-host it on a DigitalOcean droplet, the cost would be $12/mo due to the minimum requirement of 2GB of RAM.

Once your blog is up and running, you can set up some analytics. I am always curious to see which topics people are most interested in. Then begin to share your posts with people in your network and ask for feedback. Sometimes feedback can sting a little, but it is essential to help you learn and grow. I am always open to constructive criticism, so if you see anything on my website that you feel needs improvement, please let me know.

If you have any questions, need help setting up your blog, or would like for me to provide you with feedback on your blog, please reach out. I am always happy to help!